• Welcome

    My name is Fredrik Henriksson and I am currently studying game design at Futuregames.
    At the end of the education I will have a 30 weeks vocational training.

    I will write about my school projects as well as my spare time level design, roleplaying and games in general.
    I hope you will enjoy the blog.

    E-mail: fredrikhen@gmail.com
    LinkedIn: http://se.linkedin.com/in/fredrikhenriksson

Late night Starcraft 2 bug testing

Posted by Fredrik Henriksson On 5:24 AM 0 kommentarer

I'm up late again, its now early morning in Sweden but I find that I have my best inspirations and ideas at night! I spent some time redesigning my Starcraft 2 multiplayer map a bit and really like the changes.

The map is a large, very detailed 1 vs 1 player map with 2 main routes to your opponents main base.
My main focus at the moment is balancing the map as mutch as possible for all three races.

I joined a site called HotKeyIt that focuses on helping Starcraft 2 players improve.
The plan is that I will ask there professional gaming coaches for feedback later on to get there input and valuable feedback to make me a better starcraft 2 level designer.

You will get more updates of the map in the future once its design is closer to release, you can also se a video of it at the blogpost below, but for balancing issues I have already changed the layout some as well as detailing and lighting. I Named the map "Last Haven" for now, if you have tips for a better name please let me know in the coments!

Bug: Earlier tonight I added those "steam vents" there to the left, what they do is block line of sight so its a good strategical area to hide units or buildings.

But my ramp is to close to the smoke so if I stand exactly where my unit it located, (on the ramp)
at this specific distance I can see enemy units hiding behind the smoke because the unit is just high enough on the ramp to be considered standing on "high ground" and this allow him to see past the smoke. If the enemy units would have been further back I would not be able to see then due to the units sight range.

This could be left in to give professional player strategical choices but I will try to solve it by moving the smoke area slightly more left to increase the distance between the ramp and line of sight blockers.
New players would not understand why they get attacked behind the smoke where they feel hidden and safe.

Click to enlarge image

Note that this screenshot is in game low graphic settings with Stronger Team Colour Mod I use to slightly increase my abillity to play Protoss vs Protos games with my colour blindness.


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