• Welcome

    My name is Fredrik Henriksson and I am currently studying game design at Futuregames.
    At the end of the education I will have a 30 weeks vocational training.

    I will write about my school projects as well as my spare time level design, roleplaying and games in general.
    I hope you will enjoy the blog.

    E-mail: fredrikhen@gmail.com
    LinkedIn: http://se.linkedin.com/in/fredrikhenriksson

Starcraft 2 Galaxy editor bug

Posted by Fredrik Henriksson On 10:30 AM 0 kommentarer

I found a nasty bug while working on my starcraft 2 map.
If you wonder how I sound after a night with no sleep at all you can actually hear me commentating in the video!

When I dont run into bugs its really fun to create maps for Starcraft 2!
Hopefully you all can see the potential of the map, I will show you the final version when its done.
Its a large 1 vs 1 map completely mirrored for balance reasons, with 4 very important watch towers.

If you got any good name ideas for the map please let me know!

The Starcraft 2 map editor is easier to use then Unreal, Unity or Hammer so I would recommend you try it out if your new to level design.

Thank you for reading, if you like my blog please Folow it! <3

Game project: Shadow of the Shire

Posted by Fredrik Henriksson On 2:43 PM 2 kommentarer

Six weeks ago the development of Shadow of the Shire started.
The game was developed in 6 weeks by 7 Futuregames students.

We had to follow scrum and use Pivotal tracker and Unity during this project.

Shadow of the Shire is a first person single player adventure game set in a scary environment, greatly inspired by Amnesia: The dark descent

The developers:

Fredrik Henriksson - Game design, level design, sound design
Ivan Boström - Level design
Fredrik Albrektson - Scripting, scrum master

Jessica Fuentealba Wiklund - 3D Artist
Peter Wilhelmsson - 3D artist, animator
Gustav Holmström - Concept art, 3D artist, art director
Markus Andersson - Trailer, particle effects

Gabriel Lundgren - Music

I am proud of the game we made, but we faced allot of problems during this time and I know we could have made it even better if everyone got along, there is so much more I wish we had time to do, I will write a post mortem about it later.

A big thank you to Gabriel Lundgren for creating the music for our game and to the Jury of game developers who spend there valuable time at our school to give us there feedback, having people from Frictional games who made Amnesia to look at our horror game was pretty epic actually.

The jury:

Sjoerd "Hourences" De Jong - Teotl Studios, Multi-artist
Johannes Wadin - Might and Delight, Lead Level designer
Johannes "Johno" Norneby - Indie developer, programmer
David Westerlund - Game Music entertainment
Marcus Johansson - Frictional Games, Multi-artist
Mikael Hedberg - Frictional Games, Story writer/designer

Thank you so much!