• Welcome

    My name is Fredrik Henriksson and I am currently studying game design at Futuregames.
    At the end of the education I will have a 30 weeks vocational training.

    I will write about my school projects as well as my spare time level design, roleplaying and games in general.
    I hope you will enjoy the blog.

    E-mail: fredrikhen@gmail.com
    LinkedIn: http://se.linkedin.com/in/fredrikhenriksson

School project: Board game

Posted by Fredrik Henriksson On 10:47 PM 0 kommentarer

Our first school project at Futuregames Academy is now complete!
The class was split into smaller groups, mine consisted of three graphic designers and four game designers working together to deliver a board game within one week.

The project was to create a the board game for 2-6 players, 30-45 minutes playtime and it should be inspired by the theme: suggestion, of course it also had to be a fully working game with an easy to understand game manual.

The goal of our game is to get from the start possitions at the edge of the game board to the center, there the player pick up a coordinate card that show to which of the eight exits the player have to escape through.
During all this time ghosts are constantly chasing the players, event cards are helping or slowing the progress and opponents are also able to block paths with doors that require specific colored key cards to be opened again. There is allot of tactics and tricks in the game and you could potentially give your opponents allot of trouble.

Overview of our board game!

We had allot of fun creating this board game and spent something like 900-1000 SEK on materials, printing etc to make the project possible. Thankfully we got 500 SEK from the school as a budget for the game!
The money we spent really makes a difference though the game looks and feels really top quality.

Our board game is tested!

This Friday our game was tested by the Swedish game industry:
  • Almir Listo (Project leader at Bajoum Interactive / Teacher at Futuregames)
  • Tove Enghed (Level Designer at Fatshark)
  • Patrick Berglind (Lead game designer for a Microsoft touch surface game)
  • Petter Sköld (3d Artist at Splash Damage)
  • Åsa Roos (Lead game designer / Teacher at Futuregames) was leading the whole project as well as the game testing.

We students got allot of good feedback from them! A huge thanks to the game industry people for sharing their experience with us. To be able to talk to them, is always exciting and rewarding.

The winning board game!

The winner of the board game competition had a brilliant game idea where you actually play on the outside of the game box and are able to use all sides with magnets as your player piece, at some points in the game the cube rotate.

The price for winning the challenge was a trip to the Swedish game developer DICE office and a lunch with one of there project managers. Huge congratulations and well deserved! :)

Thanks to my group for the wonderful teamwork!


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