• Welcome

    My name is Fredrik Henriksson and I am currently studying game design at Futuregames.
    At the end of the education I will have a 30 weeks vocational training.

    I will write about my school projects as well as my spare time level design, roleplaying and games in general.
    I hope you will enjoy the blog.

    E-mail: fredrikhen@gmail.com
    LinkedIn: http://se.linkedin.com/in/fredrikhenriksson

Work placement: Cobalt

Posted by Fredrik Henriksson On 10:45 AM 0 kommentarer

I am happy to announce that I will do my work placement together with the swedish Indie developers Oxeye Game Studio!

I will work with them on there current project Cobalt that is published by Mojang, I will help out with the singleplayer campaign and mostly do level design.(Check it out here and get the alpha version: www.playcobalt.com)

Also check out this amazing action teaser:

A huge thank you to all my friends in the game industry and at Futuregames that helped me with contacts etc during this progress.

I would also like to thank all the companies that interviewed me, I had many amazing companies that was interested.


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