• Welcome

    My name is Fredrik Henriksson and I am currently studying game design at Futuregames.
    At the end of the education I will have a 30 weeks vocational training.

    I will write about my school projects as well as my spare time level design, roleplaying and games in general.
    I hope you will enjoy the blog.

    E-mail: fredrikhen@gmail.com
    LinkedIn: http://se.linkedin.com/in/fredrikhenriksson

Unity 3d

Posted by Fredrik Henriksson On 3:39 PM 0 kommentarer

Today I had my first look at Unity 3D, Game development tool. We will be using it some at school so I figured I need to get some basic knowledge of it.

I started looking at some very basic tutorials and found the ones from TornadoTwins youtube channel to explain it in a simple way with good descriptions.

I downloaded the program and will try to create something from the tutorial.
Below is the first part, completely basic, additional parts with more advanced things is linked in his videos.

Go to Unity 3D website where you can download Unity for free!


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