• Welcome

    My name is Fredrik Henriksson and I am currently studying game design at Futuregames.
    At the end of the education I will have a 30 weeks vocational training.

    I will write about my school projects as well as my spare time level design, roleplaying and games in general.
    I hope you will enjoy the blog.

    E-mail: fredrikhen@gmail.com
    LinkedIn: http://se.linkedin.com/in/fredrikhenriksson

Game project: The not so flying carpet.

Posted by Fredrik Henriksson On 11:06 AM 0 kommentarer

Yesterday we finished our first trailer for the game project I have been working on for the last couple of weeks. This is the first computer game I have done and it was allot of fun. We used UDK for this project.

The not so flying carpet is a reaction based racing/platform-jumping game set in a dark, murky forest with an arcade style fast paced gameplay.
The wooden ledges are your friends and the swampy ground beneath is your enemy.
Navigate the troll through the forest and try to get him to fly for real.
Since he cant rely on his carpet (that barely flies) its up to you to keep him safe.

This game was developed in four weeks by five students at

Restrictions: 50.000 polycount limit (low poly), No more than 5 MB worth of 3D data, and 10 MB worth of 2D data.

This is work in progress.

Fredrik Henriksson - Game design, level design
Bojan Piperac - Project lead, game design, level design
Oskar Thuresson - Art director, 3d Artist
Leo Ringborg - 3d Artist
Rasmus Bremholm - 3d Artist

David Westerlund - Music http://davidwesterlund.com

Download beta: The not so flying carpet beta

I am very proud of our game, The Not So Flying Carpet.
We achieved to get the intended setting and gameplay we had in our vision at the beginning of development.

The level design is fun, exiting and challenging, and quite easy to continue to build on for future levels.

Our graphics looks good and everything fits well together with our theme.

The three most important things I have learned during the development:
  • Working in a team with a real game project on a tight deadline have been very educational for me, facing problems and solving them.
  • Everything takes allot more time then you had anticipated, unexpected problems will occur and I realize the value of good planning.
  • I have learnt allot about how game designers and level designers work, but also how 3d artists work and what we can do for each other.