• Welcome

    My name is Fredrik Henriksson and I am currently studying game design at Futuregames.
    At the end of the education I will have a 30 weeks vocational training.

    I will write about my school projects as well as my spare time level design, roleplaying and games in general.
    I hope you will enjoy the blog.

    E-mail: fredrikhen@gmail.com
    LinkedIn: http://se.linkedin.com/in/fredrikhenriksson

School project: UDK level design

Posted by Fredrik Henriksson On 7:34 PM 0 kommentarer

Today I finished my unreal development kit map!
The assignment was to create a map with a menu and some kind of small puzzle game built into it,
Just to learn some more about kismet, UI Scene and matinee recording.

For this map my focus was to try and create a beautiful outdoor environment.
I really enjoy level design, how creative it is and the interesting challenges it gives me.

I hope you like it! (Watch in HD!)

On a side note I will be on the Swedish game event Gamex tomorrow! I am really looking forward to it.